I am a painter, a dreamer, a visual story teller and life long artist.

I offer to you my vision of both the natural and imagined world. A magical place where fawns whisper, roosters reign, and the air is filled with the scent of lilies in full bloom.

Over the years my art has been birthed through many different mediums. While I began giving life to my illustrations using colored pencil, I realized upon completion of my first painting “The Unforgettable Kiss” that my true love was the fluidity and challenge of acrylic paint on canvas.

In my life long series “Daydream” I explore the playfulness of wakeful dreaming and how the search for meaning in our lightly conscious world can reveal a new and vivid self. Each of my creations begin to form from a place of child like wonder.  Where imagination is free to dance, to weave together stories of nostalgia with the luminous spark of the yet untold future. Sometimes a story seed is planted and blooms into a finished piece. Other times I work from an inspiring color scheme and watch it evolve. Often an animal or piece of nature calls to me and initiates the process.

We tend to forget as we get older that imagination is a healer. I believe that in the heart of the daydream we are inviting and allowing possibility and that this is when we are most open to creativity in it’s purest unforced form. My paintings are a reminder that we all have access to a potent place within us where we are allowed to simply be.